A journaling support group for family and friends of cancer patients. Discover the healing power of writing to express thoughts and feelings. No prior writing experience needed; spelling and grammar do not matter. This group is offered in partnership with Cancer Support Now.
Every Thursday from 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Call (307) 235-5433 for more information.
General Cancers- patients/survivors & supporters
RSVP Required
Meets the third Saturday of the month.
Ongoing groups for women recently diagnosed with breast cancer, those still undergoing treatment, and those who have completed treatment. Women may join at any time. REGISTRATION is required for new participants.
Site-specific support groups provide the opportunity for cancer survivors to meet other survivors with a similar diagnosis. Meetings are held once monthly and last approximately one hour. All noon meetings are served lunch and take place at Cancer Services unless otherwise specified.
For those who have cancer or are cancer survivors
A journaling support group for individuals who have a current and/or past cancer diagnosis. Discover the healing power of writing to express thoughts and feelings. No prior writing experience needed; spelling & grammar do not matter. This group is offered in partnership with Cancer Support Now.