Alison Stopeck, MD

July 25, 2017 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center - Education Wing
1201 Camino de Salud
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Judith Perea-Gutierrez

Challenging Prevention Paradigms for Breast Cancer

Despite advances in cancer care and therapy, the number of new cancer cases and cancer related deaths continues to rise in the US.   Improved understanding of the molecular diversity and heterogeneity associated with most solid tumors suggest curing metastatic disease will remain a major challenge.  The increasing number of cancer survivors and the long-term morbidity associated with their treatments is another important issue confronting both general society and the millions of cancer survivors.  For all of these reasons, primary cancer prevention should be a major research focus.  Well-tolerated, easily administered, and effective cancer prevention is the most cost-effective approach to improving cancer survival rates and preventing the morbidity associated with today’s cancer care.  In breast cancer, this is particular true because of the large number and young age of women effected.  Understanding the current barriers to effective breast cancer prevention and developing novel approaches for primary and secondary breast cancer prevention needs to be a high priority.

Alison Stopeck, MD
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Hematology/Oncology
Associate Director for Translational Research
Stony Brook Cancer Center
Stony Brook University


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