Family members and caregivers are encouraged to attend this support group. Each month will feature a different speaker followed by group discussion.
A journaling support group for individuals who have a current and/or past cancer diagnosis. Discover the healing power of writing to express thoughts and feelings. No prior writing experience needed; spelling & grammar do not matter. This group is offered in partnership with Cancer Support Now.
This semi-monthly support group is for people living with advanced or metastatic cancer. The open discussion group is facilitated by Liz Carrino-Tamasi, MSW, and Emily Sower, NP-C. For more information and to register, call Liz Carrino-Tamasi at 202-243-2274. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
A guided meditation, relaxation, and guided imagery group to help ease stress and improve coping. Open to patients, loved ones, and staff.
This support group is open to all cancer patients and their loved ones regardless of where they are along this journey. Talk over coffee and pastries while sharing experiences and ways to cope with all aspects of cancer –from the emotional and physical, down to the practical.
Healthy Eating During Cancer Treatment
Feel better during your treatment by learning to maintain your weight and muscle. You may also respond to treatment better, have fewer breaks in your treatment and might even keep the cancer from coming back.
Offered by the UNM Cancer Center’s Patient & Family Services.
The general cancer group is a free, ongoing, weekly group open to patients with cancer of all stages and types. Please call for more information and to register. Meets every wednesday
A networking and sharing group, for patients, caregivers, families, and friends. Everyone is welcome, regardless of where care is received. One-on-one support is also available. Call (206) 778-3532 for any questions or information.